Sunday, February 25, 2007

Successful Marriage

Ever since I was tagged to this meme by Prem, I was wondering if there could be something like ‘commandment’ for a successful marriage. IMHO, this is a relation which has got immense and deeper meanings and cannot be bounded by a few commandments. I agree that they may help one to be cautious not to harm this eternal (yes - eternal - some may disagree, but this is my opinion) relation. I’m in a composite position where I feel I’m fully qualified to say this and totally unqualified - at the same time. All I can say is understanding, acceptance, accomodation and finally assimilation would be an ideal and successful relation. This may sound very philosophical, beyond the reach of our antennae and seemingly complex. Despite all these, making it a success is - not victory - but sheer joy which one can relish for ever.

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